Today was Dusshera , Our hostel mess was partially functional so i decided to utilize the situation to go on a micro-adventure. i planned the route as Chota Banki dam in morning, Dimna lake in the afternoon and finally end the ride with Dobo dam.
AT 9am, I had breakfast in my mess . Mota Dosa with doodh. Then i packed my bags and headed out to the open road. since it is a festival, I packed some old clothes so I could give them to those who need it. The weather was shuffling from pleasant to hot, just like the terrain i was riding sometimes up, sometimes down.
Clouds from the sea , were shielding me from sun. After 7km I met Gurdev paji and abhishek bhaiyya. bringing back bhaiyya’s repaired bike. I bid them goodbye and moved on. After 7km i reached my first destination Chota banki dam. i reached there by 10am. I was the only one, no one was there in the place, not even locals. I parked my cycle and took a dip in the water. dried myself took some pictures and wrote this.
as soon as I finished taking photos, a pair of lovers joined me . They came there to sort some person issues. Both were giving their best to resolve their difference. I could hear it from a distance ;-] . I think they should have chosen evening time for their disco , sun was already raising the lady’s temper.
From there, I started for Dimna, expecting a similar experience. completed the distance on time. But Dimna lake was a mess, where ever i looked there were people and traffic jams. people were celebrating by shouting and exploding bombs. keeping in mind the pandemic and sudden explosive sounds effecting my mood, I took a detour and ended up on the other side of Dimna. I had a few sheep for company.
since its noon , i had to give my body food. I tried swiggy, only 3 restaurants were in my periphery. One of them was serving tomato and lemon rice. I instantly ordered one tomato rice and one glass lassi since it was hot. The delivery limit ended at mango chowk, i had to collect it from there. In the mean time I took a small nap, there was no traffic on this side except for a few bullet boys roaring their engines to attract nearby sheep. Sheep seemed to be used to them, they didn’t budge. But the boys didn’t leave them. one had a silencer so loud i almost lost my sleep.
After an hour i turned back to mango, to collect my parcel. It was hot. All i had to do was, land in dobo dam, select a beautiful place and have my lunch. the road from Dimna chowk to kanderbera was horrible, full of path holes and rough riding lorries. I finished it off since it was a mere 10KM track and i was not enjoying riding it. While moving through that road, i found a person who could benefit from my old clothes. Trip purpose was complete

At kanderbera, i took the route towards Domuhani bridge, At around 2pm I reached Dobo dam,.
Dobo dam was completely different from what it used to be. I went in looking for a beautiful place to eat my meal. i searched for an hour and couldn’t find it. Where ever there was a tree, i found a couple in its shade. i still dont understand what are they doing there in mid noon. Tired and hungry, I asked a similar aged couple to shift to a different location so i can finish my lunch. they were both smoking under a tree. They gave me a fierce look. i ran away from there. i was back on road searching for a tree, even the road has changed a lot since i had last been there.
there were many construction works going on. subernarekha river was only option for me, even there people were either taking a bath or the area was filled with plastic waste. clearing all of those would take a lot of time. Almost all the locations i had know with a big tree and a water source were filled with plastic junk.
Disappointed, i head back home. my tomato rice was intact but lassi turned into froth butter milk. Thanks to dimna – kanderbera road.